How effective are neuropathy supplements?
Everyone cherishes their youth; the time when they were active and fit, able to do whatever they wanted to. That is why in most cases, growing old is sometimes frowned upon. It is viewed in a negative way due to ailments associated with aging. One common complaint older people (usually over 40) experience is neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy or only neuropathy is a disorder characterize by damage to peripheral nerves, for example, those that branch through the fingers, legs, arms and toes.
Most people experience symptoms such as weakness, numbness, tingling, and burning or painful sensations.In general, the cause of neuropathy is unknown. Its cause is often correlated to different nerve-damaging conditions and situations such as diabetes, injury, vitamin B12 deficiency, cancers and excessive alcohol intake. Neuropathy, considered a common sign of aging, denies people who suffer from it the freedom to perform and accomplish daily simple and routine tasks like holding a coffee mug, chopping ingredients for cooking and everyday gardening. It can make a person feel inadequate and unable to live a normal life.
Most neuropathy treatments focus on relieving the symptoms, especially pain. Patients can take medications that may include pain relievers, anti-seizure medications, topical treatments, and antidepressants. Some people choose other therapeutic methods like physical therapy which can help improve movements and acupuncture that can contribute to reducing the occurrence of symptoms.
Taking supplements is also a popular way to live more functionally. Supplements such as alpha lipoic acid, B-vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, acetyl l-carnitine, n-acetylcysteine (NAC), curcumin and resveratrol supplements are widely used to alleviate the painful and detracting effects of the symptoms. But how effective are these supplements? How proven are they to truly help people with neuropathy to live fuller, more regular lifestyles?
Each person has individual responses to medication, herbs, and supplements. Make sure to observe your body’s reaction to supplements that you take. The supplements mentioned above have been proven and tested to reduce and relieve symptoms of neuropathy significantly and are ones most frequently used.
Remember that they are not treatments, but supportive measures to help you live a more comfortable life. And it is always wise to consult your doctor before ingesting supplements. Self-medication is highly discouraged and never advised. Though neuropathy supplements have been proven to improve the quality of life of patients significantly, take note that these still come with side effects. Always work with a medical professional.